Insurance policy pricing is based upon many variables. For instance,
let's take your automobile policy. The company wants to know how old
the driver is, his/her marital status, and how many tickets and
accidents he/she has on his/her driving records. Why? Well, because
an 18-year-old single male has a much higher statistical probability
of being involved in an accident than does a 43-year-old married
male. Plus, every time that you get a ticket or have an accident,
you become more of a "risk," and that claim probability goes up yet
Or perhaps you own a business. When you buy your worker's
compensation insurance to cover your employees, you'll pay less if
you have only 20 inside clerical workers than if you have 20
high-rise window washers.
The entire insurance rating structure is based upon statistics of
probability, which are then used to determine future rates.
In a perfect world everyone would tell the truth and we would all
pay our fair price. Likewise, in a perfect world, everyone would pay
the set price for shoes, DVDs, books and clothes instead of simply
shoplifting those items and making the rest of us pick up the cost.
When someone lies on an application for insurance, such as, by not
naming all the drivers in the household, or lying about the number
of miles they drive each year, it's very nearly the same as outright
thievery from the rest of us. They might just as easily plunge their
hand into our wallet or purse and just take our money. We pay for
their fraud.
Insurance companies get a bad rap. People are quick to say, "Oh,
those darn insurance companies. They are just a bunch of crooks."
Those people need to understand that it's not the insurance
companies that act dishonestly; it's the people who lie to avoid
paying their fair share that are the real crooks.
Fight back, America.
Report any and all instances of fraud that you encounter.
Keep YOUR money in YOUR pocket.