Under construction

HHS Excluded Medicare Providers

        Chiropractic - not available on line

        Pharmacy - not available on line
        Physical Therapists - not available on line
        Physician & Physician Assistants disciplinary actions are provided with a verification search.
        Podiatry - not available on line


        Chiropractic - not available on line
        Osteopath - not available on line
        Nursing - not available on line
        Occupational Therapist & Occupational Therapy Assistant - not available on line
        Pharmacy - not available on line
        Physical Therapist & Physical Therapy Assistant - not available on line
        Physician & Physician Assistant - not available on line
        Podiatrist - not available on line


        Physician & Physician Assists - disc action provided with license verification
        Naturopathic Board
        Podiatry Board - not available on line
        Pharmacy Board - disciplinary actions are recorded in the "News Letters"
        Osteopathic - select "Consumer Center" & "Recent Actions"
        Dental - not available on line
        Chiropractic - disciplinary actions are published in the "News Letters"
        Nursing - disciplinary action provided with license verification