Truth in Advertising?
"Obtain your diploma, bachelors' or Masters' in 2 weeks time from
prestigious universities based on your present knowledge and life
experience. No tests, exams or classes required. Call us now to
receive yours today! 1(555)219-2907 (be sure to clearly speak your
name and phone number, so that we can return your call).
Confidentiality Assured."
Maybe you first need to find out exactly how prestigious these
universities really are? And why does it take two weeks? Is that how
long it takes for these guys to get your money and make sure it
clears your bank? How impressed is a future employer going to be
when they find out that you have a Masters' in Business
Administration from Magnetron Hypertension University, a place that
has its entire campus in a Post Office Box?
Our advice? Save your hard-earned dollars unless you want your
diploma from "Dope U" or "Igotscammed College."